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Terms and conditions

Following Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) of service refers to SpamOK free to use web site, hereinafter (“SpamOK”).

This Agreement for temporary email services is made between SpamOK and the user of the website or the App (“User”). By accessing and using this service, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of this Agreement. SpamOK makes no warranty of reliability or suitability for any purpose. Its availability or existence may be removed at any time by its owners. Any email sent through SpamOK may or may not be available for viewing, may be altered, and is immediately viewable by ANY user of the system. You agree to only access SpamOK data through the SpamOK website or related App.

In addition, when using these particular Services, you shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such Services. Any participation in this Service will constitute acceptance of this agreement. If you do not agree to abide by the above, please do not use this service.

  1. Governing Law

    1. This Agreement is exclusively governed by the Dutch law.
    2. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is expressly excluded.
    3. SpamOK is based in the Netherlands.
    4. All disputes related to or arising from offers from SpamOK, or Agreements concluded with it, will be submitted to the competent court in The Hague.

  1. Entire Agreement

    1. This Agreement may only be amended as described herein. If the terms of this Agreement conflict with or are inconsistent with the terms of any local law of the user, the terms of this Agreement shall control. If any part of this Agreement is found unenforceable or invalid, the balance of this Agreement shall remain intact.

  1. Indemnification

    1. User agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold SpamOK and its affiliates harmless from claims or damages relating to (i) Users breach of this Agreement or the Users statements made in this Agreement and (ii) the use of the Services unless due to sole and/or gross negligence by SpamOK or its affiliates. User agrees to pay reasonable attorney’s fees and all applicable costs incurred by SpamOK in enforcing this Agreement. This paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
    2. You will indemnify and hold harmless SpamOK and its officers, directors, employee and agents, from and against any claims, disputes, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of the services or your violation of these Terms.

  1. Temporarily emails

    1. You agree that you cannot send email using SpamOK, only receive. You agree that emails can be stored not more than 48 hours and the domains may be the subject for change. You agree, not use temporary emails for registering important accounts or receiving sensitive data. SpamOK will have no ability to restore emails or domains once removed.
    2. You agree to hold SpamOK harmless from any damages caused by loss of emails, content within emails, damage to your computer (or innocence) from viewing emails, direct or indirect use of this system.

  1. Unlawful Use

    1. User agrees not to use the Services or Devices for any unlawful or abusive purpose or in any way that interferes with SpamOK. Users will comply with all laws while using the Services or Devices and will not transmit any communication that would violate any local law or international law. Resale of the Services is prohibited. By using the Services, User agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of any software licence agreements applicable to any software associated with the Services
    2. You agree that any email you send to SpamOK or emails you induce other sites/persons to send will become public domain once in the SpamOK system with no expectation of privacy for email content.

  1. Restrictions on using services

    1. You agree not to use the public SpamOK system to receive, store, or view emails containing private or confidential information. You understand that SpamOK has no control over material put into mailboxes.
    2. The User will not use the services to commit criminal offences or wrongful acts or to damage others or third parties and the User indemnifies SpamOK in this respect.
    3. In the event of abuse of the Services, SpamOK reserves the right to prevent you from using the services.

  1. Limitation of Liability

    1. SpamOK is not responsible and is never obliged to pay any compensation to the User or others for acts or omissions of any other service provider, for information provided through the services, for services failure or modification, for system failure or modification or for causes beyond the control of SpamOK. SpamOK is not liable for (i) service outages; (ii) incidental or consequential damages such as lost profits; (iii) economic loss or injuries to persons or property arising from the User’s use of the Services,; (iv) for any act associated with the proper exercise by SpamOK of rights under the privacy and/or unauthorized usage provisions of this Agreement.
    2. SpamOK is also not liable for any damage caused by temporary or non-availability of the services or prior removal of temporary emails, inaccessibility or removal of (data) from the website due to maintenance or otherwise.
    3. This site and its components, links or articles are offered for informational purposes only; this site shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted or made available via the site, and shall not be responsible or liable for any error or omissions in that information.

  1. Our right to change material Agreement

    1. We may change any part of the Agreement at any time including, but not limited to, rates, charges, terms of service. We will provide you a notice of changes published on our site no later than 14 days before the changes become effective. Except as provided below, if a change we make to the Agreement is material and has a material adverse effect on you, you can stop using services without incurring any costs.

  1. Assignment

    1. SpamOK may assign all or part of the rights or duties of SpamOK under this Agreement without such assignment being considered a change to the Agreement and may provide notice to User.
    2. SpamOK may change, suspend or withdraw (parts of) the services (temporary emails) at any time if this is necessary for the maintenance or protection of the services, this only at the discretion of SpamOK.

  1. Other services

    1. Personal data is processed by SpamOK as it is described in our Privacy Policy. SpamOK concludes data processing agreements with all these parties in which the third party guarantees the privacy of the data. The Other Party bears the risk with regard to damage or loss of data or information or inaccuracies in the reports or data stored by SpamOK or third parties SpamOK can be not liable how other party fulfils its obligation, unless the damage or loss is due to gross negligence, gross negligence and / or intent of SpamOK.
    2. SpamOK only supports emails with a maximum size of 10 MB. Larger emails will be rejected.

  1. Warranties

    1. SpamOK makes no express warranties regarding the Services and disclaims any and all implied warranties, including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. SpamOK does not authorize anyone to make any warranties on its behalf and User should not rely on any such statement.

  1. Force Majeure

    1. SpamOK shall not be liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of this agreement for the period that such failure or delay is.

  1. Intellectual Property

    1. The Site and its original content, features, and functionality are owned by SpamOK and are protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. Intellectual property rights are understood to mean patent, copyright, brand, drawing and design rights and / or other (intellectual property) rights, including technical and / or commercial know-how, methods and concepts that can be patented or not.
    2. The User explicitly acknowledges that all intellectual property rights of displayed information, communications or other expressions with regard to the products and / or the internet site are held by SpamOK, its suppliers or other entitled parties.
    3. TheUser is prohibited from making use of and / or making changes to the intellectual property rights as described in this article, such as multiplication without the express prior written consent of SpamOk, its suppliers or other entitled parties, unless it is purely a matter of private use of the product itself.

By using our SpamOK, you consent to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy policy.

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